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tv   U.S. Senate  CSPAN  February 25, 2013 5:00pm-8:00pm EST

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the speaker pro tempore: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from vermont. mr. leahy: i ask unanimous consent the call of the quorum be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. leahy: mr. president, on behalf of senator menendez of new jersey, i ask unanimous consent that margaret taller be allowed floor privileges during the executive session to consider executive calendar number 7, the nomination of robert bacharach of oklahoma to be united states circuit judge for the tenth circuit. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. morning business is closed. under the previous order, the senate will proceed to executive session to consider the following nomination which the clerk will report. the clerk: nomination, the george judiciary, robert e. bacharach of oklahoma to be united states circuit judge. the presiding officer: under the previous order, there will be 30 minutes of debate equally divided and controlled in the usual form. the senator from vermont. mr. leahy: mr. president, today
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after an unprecedented filibuster, the senate republicans will finally allow a vote on the nomination of robert bacharach to the u.s. court of appeals for the tenth circuit. because of this filibuster, something that stopped robert bacharach way last year, a man who came out of the senate judiciary committee unanimously, all democrats, all republicans voting for him, the people of oklahoma, colorado, kansas, new mexico, utah and wyoming have been needlessly denied his services as a tenth circuit judge for seven months. now, the judicial vacancies have again risen to almost 90. we have dozens of judges that
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get blocked for month after month after month, and then the republicans finally allow a vote on it, it passed with 90 votes or 95 votes or 100 votes, but every time that happens, the federal courts have diminished. every time that's happened, aside from the fact that the people of america wonder what in heaven's name we're doing in this body, anything as foolish as that, but the courts, the federal courts are supposed to be so impartial and outside of politics, they appear to be mixed up in politics. how does anybody, from any of the states i mentioned, say that they were willing -- were not willing to vote for cloture last year but are now willing to vote for it this year. it's alice in wonderland. i ask unanimous consent my complete statement be placed in
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the record. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. leahy: i ask consent using the time allotted to the majority that i be able to use that as if in morning business. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. leahy: now, i have often said, mr. president, the senate is supposed to be, it can be and often is a conscience of the nation, but we became the conscience of the nation two weeks ago when senators, both republicans and democrats, voted overwhelmingly to pass the violence against women act and the trafficking victims protection reauthorization act. we made protecting these victims our top priority. we worked together, we had compromise, extensive negotiation, and then we said we're going to set aside partisanship, do what is best for the country, we came
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together. the majority of republican senators voted for our bill, as did every woman elected to this body and every single democratic senator and the two independents who caucus with the democrats. i mention this not to pat ourselves on the back, mr. president, but to say that in contrast to this action where republicans and democrats came together to protect one another in this country, the house leadership is poised to once again take a different route. tomorrow, they are scheduled to substitute our bipartisan bill with a partisan alternative that leaves vulnerable victims without protection and myers our efforts in partisan politics to delay getting help to victims.
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the house leadership is serious about getting the violence against women act reauthorized and protecting our most vulnerable victims of rape and domestic violence, stalking and human trafficking, simply take up the senate bill. so many republicans here, democrats here, independents here support it and pass that bill. you know, this picking and choosing of who is going to be considered a victim. mr. president, i have said so many times on this floor, i almost wonder if anybody hears it. like many other senators, i had the privilege to be a prosecutor before i came here. i went to a lot of very violent crime scenes at 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 in the morning. and some of them i remember almost as graphically as if it was yesterday.
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where a victim of severe violence, often dead, is there on the floor. the police never said well, we have to find out if this victim is gay or straight, if this victim is native american or immigrant, no. he knew a victim was a victim was a victim. if somebody has been treated that way, a crime has been committed, the police wanted to find who committed the crime and stop them before they did it again. back then, we didn't have the violence against women act, an act which has protected so many people before they have become a victim, given the tools to stop from being a victim. i think of some of the victims i saw, sometimes in the morgue. we had something like our v.a.
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v.a. -- if we had something like our violence against women act, they would be alive today. so let's put aside gamesmanship and let's worry about the real victims in this country. mr. president, none of us here will face everything like these women go through, but we can help stop these horrendous things happening to them, and we should do it. another point i'd make is -- another issue is that less than seven years ago, republicans and democrats in the senate, in the house of representatives joined together to reauthorize key expiring provisions of the voting rights act of 1965. we explained and documented our findings that this landmark civil rights law was still needed because a continuing discrimination to preserve the progress has been made.
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because of the extensive record, the acceptance of the voting rights act's importance to our country, our 2006 reauthorization of this crucial law is marked by members of congress in both parties, from every corner of our nation coming together. i served with pride with president george w. bush as he signed that legislation. one of my treasures is a photograph i took of his hand as he signed that bill. but you know, it's a sad irony, mr. president, on the same day we're going to be honoring civil rights icon rosa parks by unveiling a statute in the u.s. capitol, the first full statue of an african-american to stand in the halls of congress, across the street, the supreme court will be hearing arguments from those challenging the constitutionality, the voting rights act reauthorization named
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in part for rosa parks. an act both republicans and democrats came together after extensive days and days and days and weeks and weeks of hearings and signed into law by a republican president. in the pending case, the challengers of the supreme court seek to strike down section 5 of the voting rights act, even though that critical section is protecting the constitutional guarantees against discrimination and voting where 100 years of prior civil rights laws have failed. now, the supreme court got it right four years ago when they upheld the constitutional authority of congress to reauthorize section 5 against a similar challenge. neither the words of the constitution nor the importance of these critical provisions protecting the right to vote has changed in the last four years.
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under these specific words of the 14th and 15th amendments, congress has the power to remedy discrimination and enforce the amendments by enacting laws that address racial discrimination in connection with voting. that's what we did nearly unanimously less than seven years ago. over the past year lower courts have repeatedly upheld both its constitutionality and its protections. in light of late the court findings from just the last year, there should be no doubt the operation of the voting rights act is continuing to protect american voters from discrimination. iin his historic "i have a dream speech," when the arc tickets of our republic wrote the magnificent words of the constitution, the declaration of independence, they were signing
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a promissory note to which every american was a full heir. the voting rights act is one of our most important means for enforcing this promise. upholding the constitution's guarantee of equal rights, equal protection of the law. reauthorizing, restoring the voting rights act was the right thing to do, not only for those who fought and bled for its passage but also for those who come after us -- our children and our grandchildren. we owe it to them to continue our commitment to this vital act. no one's right to vote should be a bridge or -- abridged or suppressed or denied in the united states of america. as we celebrate black history month and the significant progress we've made as a nation, let us not forget the promissory note that future generations and the continuing need for civil rights laws such as the voting
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rights act. i ask unanimous consent my full statement be made part of the record. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. leahy: and i ask unanimous consent that my full statement on the other issues i spoke about be made part of the record. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mr. leahy: mr. president, i yield the floor and suggest the absence of a quorum. and if there's time remaining, the time be equally divided. the presiding officer: without objection. the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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mrs. boxer: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from california. mrs. boxer: i ask that the quorum call be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection, so ordered. mrs. boxer: mr. president, we yield back the remaining time on the nomination. the presiding officer: without objection, all debate time has expired. the question is on the nomination. mrs. boxer: i ask for the yeas and nays. the presiding officer: is there a sufficient second? there appears to be a sufficient second. the clerk will call the roll. vote:
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the presiding officer: is there anyone wishing to vote or to change their vote? if not, on this vote, the yeas are 93, the nays are zero. the nomination is confirmed.
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under the previous order, the motion to reconsider is considered made and laid upon the table. the president will be immediately notified of the senate's action, and the senate will resume legislative session. mr. inhofe: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from oklahoma. mr. inhofe: mr. president, i am very pleased that we just have confirmed judge bacharach. he's going to make a great federal judge. i have just been real pleased, and i have to admit i was literally running from the airport to get here because they had plane troubles, and i saw senator pryor was in the same situation. so let me first of all thank the leadership for holding that vote open so that i would not find
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myself in the embarrassing position of not voting to confirm my best friend from oklahoma. so we are in that situation. let me just say that i'm very proud that he's -- he actually started on the tenth circuit as a clerk, so he really knows this stuff. he has been there for a long time. as part of his profile, it's simply to say that as a future goal, he intended to improve. he's actually made that statement. and i believe that always working to improve has been a defining characteristic of judge bacharach's career. he graduated in the top 4% of his class of law school and he received all kinds of academic rewards and maintained memberships in the highest orders of law school students. he began his legal scholarship in law review and has continued writing a number of law journals. as i said, he actually started in the tenth circuit working as a law clerk for the chief judge.
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so he knows that circuit. i don't think there is anyone out there that would know it better than him. judge bacharach has had multiple years of litigation experience working for the firm dunn leavy in oklahoma city and public service as a u.s. magistrate in the western district of oklahoma. as evidence of his career and distinction, when judge bacharach was chosen to be a magistrate judge from a pool of many well-qualified candidates, the chief judge characterized the decision as an easy one. since that time, his colleagues have characterized his service as remarkable, demonstrating superb judicial temperament and a real asset to the western district family and the legal community. as with any position in the judicial branch that comes with a lifetime appointment, the senate must deliberate carefully, and we did and gave all the thought to this nominee, and as was shown and clearly
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demonstrated by a unanimous vote of confirmation. you don't see this very often but you saw it with judge bacharach. so i appreciate the opportunity to support him today and to have been able to call and be the first to congratulate him in this new part of his career, which we will be very, very proud and i can assure the chair and all the rest of them that this is a guy that we will always be proud of. so i say on this floor congratulations to judge bacharach, you're going to do a great job, and we will depend on that and we will be watching to make sure that happens. thank you, mr. president. i suggest the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from michigan. mr. levin: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that further proceedings under the quorum call be dispensed with. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. levin: mr. president, i now ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak for up to ten
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minutes each. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. levin: i note the absence of a quorum. the presiding officer: the clerk will call the roll. quorum call:
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a senator: mr. president? the presiding officer: the senator from connecticut. mr. blumenthal: thank you, mr. president. i ask that the quorum call be lifted. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. blumenthal: thank you, mr. president. i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to a period of morning business with senators permitted to speak up to ten minutes each. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. blumenthal: thank you, mr. president. i ask unanimous consent that on tuesday, february 26, 2013, the senate proceed to executive session and that the motion to proceed to the motion to reconsider the vote by which cloture was not invoked on executive calendar number 10 be
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agreed to, the motion to reconsider be agreed to, the time until noon, 12:00 p.m., be equally divided in the usual form and that the following and -- tha and that the senate procd to vote on cloture on the nomination upon reconsideration. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. blumenthal: thank you, mr. president. mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the immediate consideration of calendar number 16, s. 298. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: calendar number 16, s. 298, a bill to prevent nuclear proliferation in north korea and for other purposes. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding to the measure? without objection. mr. blumenthal: thank you, mr. president. i further ask that the committee-reported amendments be agreed to, the bill as amended be read a third time and passed,
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and that the motions to reconsider be laid and laid on the table with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. blumenthal: thank you. i ask unanimous consent that the senate proceed to the consideration of senate resolution 41 submitted earlier today. the presiding officer: the clerk will report. the clerk: s. res. 41 supporting the designation of march 2013 as national colorectal cancer awareness month. the presiding officer: is there objection to proceeding? without objection. mr. blumenthal: thank you, mr. president. i ask unanimous consent the resolution be agreed to, the preamble be agreed to, the motion to reconsider be laid on the table with no intervening action or debate. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. blumenthal: mr. president, i ask unanimous consent that when the senate completes its business today it adjourn until 10:00 a.m. on tuesday, february
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26, 2013; that following the prayer and pledge, the morning hour deemed expired, the journal of proceedings -p approved to date and that the time for the two leaders be reserved for their use later in the day and that following any leader remarks, the senate proceed to executive session to consider the nomination of senator hagel to be secretary of defense under the previous order. further, that following the cloture vote on the hagel nomination, upon reconsideration the senate recess until 2:15 for the weekly caucus meetings. and finally, that if cloture is invoked, the time during recess, morning business and adjournment count postcloture on the hagel nomination. the presiding officer: without objection. mr. blumenthal: there will be reconsideration of the cloture vote on the hagel nomination at noon tomorrow. if there is no further business to come before the senate, i ask that it adjourn under the
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previous order. the presiding officer: the senate stands adjourned. senate stands adjourned.
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>> johnette sandstrom waits for roll call. congress has been away for presidents' day and a sikh a sikh is the issue of sequestration. what's ahead for lawmakers on that topic? >> this has been a lot about publicity and not about legislation so far. the cuts are supposed to go into effect on march 1st and we have no progress on any negotiations to avert them. republicans needs to come together and work on how to find more targeted spending cuts and the president is insisting on including some tax increases as part of the replacement to avert the threats. >> what are house republicans saying about their stance? are the largest are okay with allowing sequestration to go into effect? >> it's a bit of a complicated
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message and when people have criticized. at the one hand they are putting up with president obama's proposal in the first place and they eventually voted for when they passed the bill through the house. the second thing they are saying is this is not that significant in size, but they are saying the way they are that good across the entire government, across-the-board cuts is harmful, so they should be targeted to better places and the way they are implemented in obama needs to come together to find a better place to implement them. >> house democrats have their own plan for averting the sequestered. can you invite as sinister a chance to get voted on? >> house democrats released a proposed that one third spending cut into thirds tax increases.
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spending cuts hit the farm subsidies and then a tax increase you remember the so-called buffet wrote, which is an alternative minimum tax for people who earn over $1 million a year in income and would set their tax rate is at least 30%. a lot of times they were tax rate reductions and other loopholes. so those are the two main parts of that plan announced their proposal. the white house spin assembler as well. >> can you tell us what the cuts would work? >> well, the cuts are limited to parts of the government, mainly on discretionary name. half of that is on defense spending and half is on nondefense spending, so it's about $46 billion in cuts hitting the pentagon. about the athena marketing discretionary instead be an 8.5 to 9% across-the-board cut for
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every agency of the government with some exceptions. the entitlement spending on medicare, social security is largely spared to the skies. >> it is a quick review of how the idea they sequester came about. >> this has become like watching 10 lower at this point of how this happened. bob woodward at the post has been putting forward findings in a very pronounced way lately. according to woodward, the idea originally came from jack lu. in the 1980s they used a similar proposal as an enforcement trigger. the idea that these cuts is a researcher crony and you'd come up with a smarter way to do it, to come to a deal on how to do a better way.
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jack lu, if they're trying to come to an agreement, rather than use the debt ceiling increase as an enforcement trigger, they have to go through that again before the election. how about these sequestration with automatic across-the-board cuts and they had to convince boehner this was an okay idea, who is apparently somewhat reluctant to go on with this. but eventually they did. also, senator harry reid.this is a terrible idea according to woodward's proposal. >> last question very quickly come in the senate is talking about competing plans aimed at averting budget cuts. >> leader of senate debate with too those, one on the democratic plan and one on the republican plan, both of which require 60
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votes in this complicated procedurally in the upper chamber, but 60 votes for this to pass is very unclear whether the democratic plan will be able to get those 60 of us, even though the democrats are in the majority of the chamber. it puts a lot of the red state democrats for reelection in 2014 on the hot seat. we have to see how that plays out. >> jonathan strong, read him a "roll call." thanks for joining us. >> thank you. >> be no foreign countries and companies so i parked her per sequence. we are also seeking the ability to sabotage our power grid. our financial institutions, air traffic control systems. we cannot put back years from now and wonder why they did not seem in the face of real threats to security and economy.
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>> eager different concerns. interestingly enough, one of the concerns we hear with volume, quality and time limits. he shared information about stuff that happened three months ago. what about now? that's one reason we increased our timeliness, so we are at ahead the issue. they make progress in that space. i think over the last year in particular, we've really improved our ability to share information faster with the private sector. i hear concerns from different sites or is about ensuring the other sectors they rely on also increasing cybersecurity. if your bank, you are reliant on power and water and transportation to conduct your business. so but i frequently hear is that all the countries want to hear
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the infrastructure sectors are living together to increase cybersecurity because everything is so interdependent. >> at age 25, she was one of the wealth use windows in the colonies and during the revolution in her mid-40s was considered an enemy by the british who threatened to take her hostage. later she would become the nation's first first lady at age 57. meet martha washington in the first program of first ladies, influence and image. this is some of the places that? influenced her life, including colonial williamsburg, mount vernon, valley forge and philadelphia and the part of the conversation about martha washington with your phone calls, tweets and face the pose live tonight at 9:00 eastern on c-span, c-span radio and
6:42 pm >> secretary of state john kerry was in the u.k. today. he met with prime minister david cameron and foreign secretary, william hague. the visit to london was the first stop on a nine country 10 day trip. the secretary spoke with reporters and responded to questions about the upcoming meeting with syrian opposition leaders. >> ladies and gentlemen, it's a great honor to welcome the 16th secretary of state of the united states of america, john kerry, to london today. secretary kerry, we are delighted you chose the united kingdom as your first destination overseas. i am first visit as foreign secretary was to the united
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states and each day and also each hour since then, i witnessed the importance of our indefensible alliance. when the united states and united kingdom act together, we make a powerful difference in world affairs and our partnership and diplomacy, intelligence and defense has no equal in the world. secretary kerry and i have met recent years in recent months, but this visit is my first opportunity to welcome him here secretary of state and pay tribute to the immense experience he brings to his new role. event details and very thorough talks covering the full range of global affairs, top of our agenda with the middle east, including the importance of both attached in ending the israeli-palestinian conflict and i welcome the focus for his role to bear on this appointment. if there is no more urgent foreign policy priority in 2013 then restarting negotiations
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between israelis and palestinians feared the region of the road can do for the current dangerous impacts in the peace process. for if we don't make progress very soon in the two state solution could become impossible to achieve. so there is a burning need for the international community to revive the peace process and efforts that are the united states and supported by european, arab and other nations and i promise secretary kerry today will make every effort to mobilize the european union, arab state behind a decisive move for peace and i warmly welcome president obama's planned visit to the middle east the spring and it is secretary kerry's own travel to the region shortly. secretary and i will both attend a meeting of the friends of syria this week and appalling injustices being done to the people of syria, which the world cannot work. so we discuss the vital need for political transition and firm
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support for u.n. and arab lack. we agree for as long as political solution to the conflict is blocked off, the international community has a responsibility to take steps to help prevent loss of life in syria. loss of life including what the terrible loss of life we adjust but it's in aleppo. that is why in the united kingdom witness significantly in precise support for the syrian opposition. on top of our contributions to the humanitarian relief to earth and we are preparing to do just that. in the face of such murdering threats of instability, our policy cannot stay static as the weeks go by and it is an important opportunity in rome to discuss this with our allies and partners. our two countries agree that iran's nuclear program poses a threat to the peace and security of the world.
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talks between the e3+3 and iran will take place in kazakhstan this week. we approached talks in good faith, but iran should not doubt our resolve to ensure nuclear proliferation in the middle east is prevented. 2013 will be an important year for afghanistan, where u.s. and u.k. troops continue to stand shoulder to shoulder in a brief secretary kerry on the recent meeting between the pakistani and afghan leaders posted at checkers by the prime minister and we discussed the progress we will work for in the year ahead. we agree on the need to continue a robust response to the threat from international terrorism including north africa and the sahel. we review the situation in somalia where a coordinated effort by the international community with african nations has led to significant progress on the ground. the updated secretary kerry under second conference in london in may, shall support the
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rebuilding of armed forces to coast guard justice system and public finances. we also discussed the british priorities at the g8 in the areas of trade and tax and transparency. i look forward to hosting the foreign ministers to focus not only on immediate foreign policy threat, but also longer-term challenges, including the need to shatter the culture of impunity for those who use rape and violence for the g8 work this year. finally, we are reiterating our commitment to two trans-atlantic trade agreements, which is not only support jobs and growth in europe in the u.s., that would be a much-needed boost of the world economy. i welcome president obama's endorsement and proposal of a trans-atlantic trade and investment partnership. just as the strategic
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cooperation is intense, so her economic links. we have almost $1 trillion invested in each other's economy supporting over a million jobs in those countries in the united states is the single largest investor in the united kingdom. this is an excellent and productive discussions college but extremely well for closer cooperation between our two countries and i look forward to work in the secretary kerry over the coming months and years and now warmly invite him to make her remarks. >> thank you very, very much, mr. foreign secretary and good afternoon to everybody. i do think the foreign secretary for the tremendous hospitality that he showed me here today in my team. i also appreciate enormously the opportunity earlier to be able to meet with minister cameron over breakfast. it is always a great pleasure for me to deal to visit london and it is no accident that this
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is the first stop on my trip as secretary of state. many years ago as a child and i managed to get lost in the london zoo. i want to thank somebody for finding any. this day i must say was made much easier and it's impossible for me to get lost, mr. secretary, thank you. i am particularly pleased to be able to be here with remarkable partner that is the united kingdom. when he think of everything that finds the united states and great britain, our common values are long shared history. our ties in the personal friendship. there is the reason why we call this a special relationship, or
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as president obama and prime minister cameron wrote, really partnership of the her. it is not. in the 20th century, our country's five for freedom side-by-side and fought for survival to gather and border we thrive together in peace and we stood together time and time again in order to meet the world's great challenges. in the 21st century, we may face new and more complex set of challenges, but i absolutely know, mr. foreign secretary, that we face them together, just as we did in the last century and together is absolutely clear our partnership remains stronger than ever. as the foreign secretary made clear, we discussed it very full agenda today. that reflects the many benefits and the relationships that bring
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both of our peoples and the world to gather from countering terrorism to creating jobs, to advancing our shared values and that is no small endeavor or commitment. we discussed our agreement, i think an historic agreement and its beginnings and hopefully historic when we accomplish it. that is to start the work on a u.s. e.u. trans-atlantic trade that investment or airship to grow prosperity on both sides of the atlantic. it is no secret that we both faced economic challenges. we all do in this new marketplace, and a global challenge the marketplace. the fact is that europe freestanding aloud is the largest economy in the world and when you join that together with
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the united states of america, we have a powerful ability to be able to affect the rules of the road and to be able to raise standards and most importantly create jobs for all of our people. europe is already america's largest trading partner. a disagreement will create more jobs for additional investment and nasty note earlier this month, president obama made it clear this is a top priority for the united states. we also discussed the responsibility that we share to support fragile democracies across the world, across the monograph from libya to tunisia and beyond. i say to our friends here in the united kingdom, it is in our mutual interest to see that these fledgling democracies flourish. and i want to thank william for his personal and important
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leadership at the u.k. is showing in marshaling the international community support for libya. i think he and the people at the united kingdom can be proud of their leadership in that the. we obviously discussed syria today. william and i agree the syrian people deserve better than the horrific violence that nowadays and threatens their everyday lives, the lives of innocent people, the lives of people who want the ability to have the government accountable and be able to be part of the governance of their own lives. the assad regime has rained out brackets, but though in recent days. that is just the latest example of assad's brutality. we condemn this indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians and we condemn it in the strongest terms and it is just
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further evidence that assad has to go. i think william for the u.k. effort to help dial-up to pressure on the regime for their contributions of humanitarian aid and for hosting the transition conference last month. let me make clear, we will continue to work closely with our british allies to address growing humanitarian crisis and support the syrian opposition council. we are coordinating with the syrian opposition coalition. we're coordinating with the u.n. and with others to help get relief to the big others who need that help. william and i also discussed a couple of occasions, and rants nuclear program and tomorrow's p-5+1 talks to take place in cosmic stan.
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as we've said again and again, an iran with a nuclear weapon in that region and given all that has happened is simply unacceptable and we have stated that they will not obtain a nuclear weapon. president obama has been crystal clear about this and as we've repeatedly made clear the window for a diplomatic solution simply cannot by definition remain open forever. but it is so big today. it is open now and there is still time, but there is only time if iran makes the decision to come to the table and negotiate in good faith. we are prepared to negotiate in good faith, mutual respect, in an effort to avoid whatever terrible consequences can fall follow failure. the choices in the hands of the iranian and the hope they will make the right choice.
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we discussed also today a partnership in afghanistan and i want to thank all of the people of great britain who i now have been patient and carry this enormous challenge with a certain degree of restraint and obviously with a great degree of commitment. we are grateful for the sacrifices of your people and the contribution of the remarkable troops. we need to continue to remain in close court nation as we tackle this important upcoming transition. finally in the middle east peace process, i appreciate deeply williams of the uk's unwavering support for that goal. we share a vision as they think people in the world do have two states living side-by-side in peace and security. today we talked about how we can support two parties reaching out and because frankly that is the
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only way to achieve a lasting peace. so i look forward to continuing to work with william on these and so many of their issues, including working together in the agenda for the g8 summit this year and i might, i know president obama is looking forward to his visit to the region in an effort to try to begin to make decisions about the path forward. the secretary in the long history of our partnership and our collaboration, the united states and great britain have made our country stronger and face the world more stable and secure. i think we can be proud of that, but we also understand the special commitment to the effort to do our work to make it safer and more stable and a place of
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greater opportunity and peace for all peoples. we look forward to strengthening this relationship in the years to come and i personally thank you for your friendship and look forward to your visiting us in the united states that we can reciprocate. thank you very, very much. >> thank you very much. now we will have questions. >> question for the secretary of state. do be aware of the interest in u.s. policy towards falklands islands in this country. mr. secretary, do you think the democratically expressed of all falklands islanders in the referendum should be respect? >> well, let me be very clear about our position with respect to falklands, which i believe is clear. first of all, i'm not going to comment, nor is the president on a referendum that is yet to take place and hasn't taken place.
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our position on the falklands has not changed. the united states recognizes de facto u.k. administration of the islands, but takes no position on the question of party sovereignty claims thereto. ..
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secretary clinton, your predecessor, secretary panetta and others recommended to president obama arming some of the rebels that had been carefully bedded in the decision rejected by president obama last year the foreign secretary said that a static policy cannot remain. so at this stage, isn't it time to revisit the policy, and mr. foreign secretary, i wanted to ask what do you mean by a policy? would the u.k. like to see the united states take a more forward-leading policy toward arming the rebels. giving them some help in arming or training or other kinds of support that they seek? is there any way that the asad regime can really be displaced
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diplomatically given russia's strong support military and in other words for the regime. >> andrea, i'll let your first question, and i'll let the secretary answer questions, two, three, and four. [laughter] i will -- why should they come and meet? they should come and meet because in fact, countries have been helping them, and because we are precisely meeting to determine how to help president asad change the calculation on the ground. i said that priestly in the united states that president assad needs to be able to change his calculation. and president obama has been engaged in examining exactly in what ways we may be able to contribute to that. that's the purpose of this meeting in rome. so i would urge the syrian
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opposition to join us as a matter of practicality and of informing us. but i would say to them ahead of time that in our discussions here today, our discussions in washington, which prompted us to accept this meeting with a new secretary of state at the beginning moment of the second term of president obama, when he himself has expressed concerns about it, that this moment is ripe for us to be considering what more we can do. and we understand that the syrian people want to see results from this conference. i would say to moas khatib, so do we. the best way to get the results is to join us, be part of the discussion, inform us, and we
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will together working as we did today with our other friends who will join us in rome, i'm confident, quite confident, be able to come up. what happened in aleppo in the last days is unacceptable. mr. muallem was in moscow, talking about human rights abuses. it seems to me that it's pretty hard to understand how, when you see the scuds falling on the innocent people of the al leep pow it's possible to take their notion that they are ready to have a dialogue very seriously. that's why we think it's important to get together, in order hear directly from the opposition, to know precisely what they think is most useful at this point in time, how we may be able to make a difference. i think that's an important meeting, an important discussion. and i remain hopeful they will
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make the decision to come and join us. and just to -- i think the feelings of frustration in the syrian opposition are not surprising, after all, more than 70,000 people probably have have been killed and there's been no sign of a political or diplomatic breakthrough. our frustration is intense as well. we have tried for two years to advance matters of the united nations security council, and of course to bring all of the humanitarian assistance we can possibly bring to the people of syria. it's against that background that i say, as our parliament last month, our policy can't be static in the face of those events. it will have to change and develop. and as i saw, visiting lebanon last week, the importance of the meeting, as i did last thursday, some of of the syrian refugees
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in beirut, you see the terrible human cost of this conflict, but also the mounting danger of greater instability in neighboring countries. so it's not an issue that the world can ignore. and we agreed last weep in the european union and we're trying -- tieing down the details of the amendment to the european union arms embargo and sanctions regime. and we will then go on from that put forward a new package of assistance to the syrian opposition in line with that e.u. agreement, whichly announce in the coming weeks. that will take a little time to put together in consultation with our partners. and of course it's important that we discuss what we can most effectively do with a national coalition, whether that be in rome or on the other occasions, depending on whether they decide
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to athanked meeting. -- attend that meeting. >> thank you, lindsay hilsum, channel 4 news. mr. secretary of state, you said you have new ideas on syria, and you've just said the time is right to consider what more you can do. tell us concretely what you are going do? what about in ceo asian, weapons that are now being seen amongst the opposition. have you approved those weapons? and if you are seriously thinking of arming the opposition or allowing other to arm the opposition, what about the jihad threat? how do you stop weapons from getting to the hands of gee hattists? >> well, i haven't -- again, i haven't said anything about what we're specifically planning to do because we really owe it to
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our friends and allies to discuss those things with them first. i don't think they should be reading about options in the newspaper, with all due respect. there will be a moment for our decision. that moment is after we will be meeting in rome. it is not today. today, we are discussing various options and i'm not going to go in to what they may or may not be at this point in time. i think thad be inappropriate. but i will be going from here to berlin. in berlin tomorrow, i'll be meeting with the foreign minister, and subsequently going to paris, meeting with the president, and the foreign minister, and then going to rome. and so allow us to consult, allow us to have the opportunity to exchange the views about what is possible. but i want our friends in the syrian open sings council to know that we are not going to rome to simply talk.
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we are coming to rome to make a decision and about our next steps and perhaps even other options that may or may not be discussed further after that. so i think if you stay tuned and we get through these consultations and then we have a productive meeting, hopefully we'll have something to be able to announce to to you. >> tell us that the situation in syria is unacceptable. and that assad must go, and nothing has changed. little has changed in u.s. policy. we have seen humanitarian aid, but not much more than that. recently, the e.u. has decided to provide non-lethal aid to fighters inside syria. i'm wondering for the u.s. will start considering this and whether you're in concerning in not engaging in the fighters you are creeding influence further on. secondly, sorry. afghanistan has asked u.s. troops to leave the province. i think within two weeks. can we get your comment on that,
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please? well, with respect to afghanistan and the province. i understand the concerns they have expressed. and appropriately, any complaints that they may have ought to be appropriately evaluated, and that they will be, can assure you. that's a matter for isaf to exam. i have taken appropriate note of it. i think you know i've had a great deal of involvement with afghanistan and president karzai. i think he's had many legitimate evaluations of how sometimes some things have gone wrong or might be changed and be done better. we're working on that. we're working on a by lateral security arrangement, we're working on the transition process. we've had a very good conversation with the president in the last days. president obama talked to him before making announcements about the transition.
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we've listened very carefully to his observations about wanting to speed up the transition with respect the management of security, and that's happening. so i can assure you we are finely tune to the needs of the afghan people and to the most effective ways to make this transition together and with our allies who have spent their treasure too in this initiative in a way that is most effective. so i'm not surprised by the request. it's something that, as i said, isaf will deal with initially. we're going everything in our power to effect this transition as smoothly and sensitively as possible to the concerns of the government and the concerns of the afghan people. if we don't, it won't work properly. with respect to syria and the frustration you articulated. look, i'm very sensitive to that
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frustration. i was a member of the senate, and i was one of those voices on the outside pushing for one thing or another, and i don't understand the reason people question another meeting. but i'm a new secretary of state. i'm here now beginning a fresh term with a president who has just been re-elected and a significant mandate in the country, and the president of the united states has sent me here and sent me to this series of meetings and sent me to rome because he is concerned about the course of the events. and he is currently evaluating precisely what steps we will take in order to fulfill our obligation to innocent people, as well as to lead on this important issue. so again, i'm not going say to you here today what my reaction is or isn't to one particular proposal, because that's what
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these consultations are about. so let's have the consultations,: i'm listening very closely. we had a very lengthy dispution with the prime minister and several hours with william hague. we have a loath of ideas on the table, and some of them i am confident, confident will come to maturity by the time we meet in rome. other may take a little more gestation period, but they're no less part of the mix and part of the discussion. what i can tell you is we are determined that the syrian opposition is not going to be dangling in the wind wondering where the support is or if it's coming, and we're determined to change calculation on the ground for the president. let me say that even as i emphasize it is the policy of the united states, and i believe
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our allies to pursue a political solution. that is the best way to save lives, to minimize the disruption of the region, and to maximize the possibilities of all people being represented appropriately in a democratic process in an outcome. we don't have the ingredients that bring about that dialogue at this point in time. witness the efforts of the first kofi annan and now lakhdar. we are no less committed to it, but at the same time we're not going let the syrian opposition not have its it's ability to have the voice properly heard in the process. and that's what rome is about, and i look forward to rome because i think we're going be able to accomplish something. thank you.
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thank you. thank you all. [inaudible conversations] we know foreign companies and countries swipe our -- now our enemy is seeking the ability to sabotage our power grid. our financial institutions. our air traffic controller systems. we cannot look back years from now and wonder why we did nothing in the face of real threats to our security and our economy. >> you hear a lot of different concerns. interestingly enough, i think, you know, one of the concerns that we hear and see reflected in vot -- volume, caught, and -- quality and time limits. you shared information about stuff that happened three months ago. what about now? that's one reason we're trying to increase our timeliness. we are making progress in the space. i think we're over the last year
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in particular, we have really improved our ability to share information faster with the private sector. i also hear concerns from different sectors about insuring that the other sectors that rerely on are increasing their cybersecurity if you are a bank you are reliant on power, water, and transportation to conduct the business. what i frequently hear is that all of the companies want to make sure that the critical infrastructure sectors are moving together to increase the cybersecurity. >> the president's new cybersecurity executive order. tonight on the comiewb -- communicators on c-span2 2 at 8 p.m. at age 125 she was one of the wealthyyest widows. she was considered an enemy be by the british. later she would become our
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nation's first first lady at age 57. meet martha washington, tonight in the first program of c-span's new weekly series, first ladies influence and image. we'll visit some of the place that influenced her life including williams berg, mount vernon, valley forge, and philadelphia and be part of the conversation about martha washington with your phone calls, tweets, and facebook posts. live tonight at 9:00 eastern on c-span, c-span radio, and c-span .org. this weekend the nation's governors gathered in washington, d.c., for the winter meeting. this morning during they heard from mehmet oz. he warned against smoking and sedentary lifestyle and spoke about obesity in the country. it's just over forty minutes. [applause] >> thank you very much. i live in new jersey, he wanted
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me to mention that. [laughter] i work in new york, i pay taxes everywhere. [laughter] it's an honor to talk a little bit today about a scene i see an interest in. i thought i would speak personally about what you may be able to do wore yon life lives. i had a great honor of spending the day with your spouses yesterday about giving mae lot of intel about what you are worried about. it will come up in the future. let me start off with a little bit of my background. i'm a cardiac surgeon. i practice medicine in new york. and one of my specialty areas is heart replacement therapy. whey learned due to heart transplants and developing these technology, you have give people bad news a lot of times. what you learn to do is give them bad news by telling the truth but keep their respect. that's the biggest challenge as the state leaders.
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and part of the commission i have -- mission i have for the day is give you points that may be valuable as you establish the ability to give people news they don't want to hear. -- often times you get lost in the domain. i've been able to focus on a few things that i think might be to be pull us out. the first is that state responsibility in my opinion, personal responsibility meet right here. in the waistline of our nation. there are a lot of reasons i say that. i'm going present evidence to support it. the role of the state is versus the role of the individual when it comes to health. this is how people view their citizen. they are lying around having a beer get state 0 involvement and pull the pieces together.
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this is what it looks like. people pushing the door as hard as they can. but the door isn't opening. they're not reading the sign. when we try to allow legislative solutions to some of these problem, we trip up. how do you find the blantsing act? i think there's a tight rope that is walkable in a way. it mandates we understand a few principles about how we message the health information. when i think about health it's not just about medicine. it's about life. iconically, all of us have ancestors that live in the small town or community there was always a leader, what you are, and a healer. and that healer played an important role. not doing surgery but they played a role giving you a place to be heard. it's about life. and that moralistic view of health. none of us can establish our expect to live in a healthy state if it's not wealthy state. but the congress is true as
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well. you can't have true wealthy if you're not healthy. i spend a lot of time with oprah. i did about eighty shows with her. i learned a few interesting insight that allowed her to be successful. that will color to the lines of the debate as well. first, people do not change what they do based on what they know. they change what they do based on how they feel. and when we appreciate that insight, we begin to think differently about delivering messages. i'll give you a example in a few. the message has to be delivered with energy. it matters how they hear the message and finally, most importantly, if you remember nothing else what i say today. we have to make it easy for people to cothe right thing. sometimes that means passing laws, rules, regulations that allow that to happen. we have greece the road to success. about 20% extra brain energy required to think. come up with a new idea. the reason we automatic our
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lives. we don't want to spend the energy. we don't bother thinking. it's not because people are dumb or foolish. it's our natural human desire not to have to be the at the wheel every day. so let me show you one shied on numbers. of mortality. this is a estimate a good estimate premature mortality cause. look at the purple part of the diagnose. diagram. that's medical access. 10% of the time if you don't have access to health care or a doctor it's like having a ship full of oil pulling to a dock and the tanker runs against the coastline it spews the oil across the bay. it's expensive to clean up. that's what happens when people don't have access to care. i'm speaking as a physician. it costs more because it's more difficult to pick up the pieces. the red area is a major category
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it's behavior. pry sedentary life style, tobacco, and obesity. let's start with access. we have gone around the country doing free screenings. i think they are scalable, they are affordable, sponsored by local health care facility. take fifty minutes. let me show you a quick video on what the experience is like. >> from the first day, we've had one simple mission for the show. to have you take control of your health. we try to accomplish that every day in the studio. each year we hit the road to bring the message to you. this year we launched the biggest program ever. helping thousand of americans get life saving screenings. now this year we have embarked on the most ambitious campaign yet. we created the 15-minute physical. and instead of focusing on one
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city. we are going nationwide. philadelphia, pittsburgh, washington, d.c., tampa, portland, and the latest kansas city, missouri. the heart land of america. >> it's going to be folks who are scared about finding out their health. we're going look them in the eye and have them trust us. we can make a difference. they're going to fear -- [inaudible] people who can be your mother. your father, sister, or brother. your neighbor in need. 159 over 100. >> i have been neglecting my health. all coming together to face their fears. when the day was over, 1,000 people met with a doctor who haven't been screened in awhile. >> no. three years. >> taking charge of their health. some with a very first time in
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their lives. these programs have been incredible success. i want to point out everybody has insurance. they have jobs, many times they don't have insurance but they have jobs. these are hard working people who haven't been able to get access to care the way they have envisioned it. in fifteen minutes it gives you the key numbers. it takes ten minutes to educate you. and for the rest of your life you know more about the danger driver of longevity. i want to give you the highlight and the message we offer. they are simple, elegant, seamless, and make it easier again to do the right thing. let me shift from access to tobacco usage. it's a chart of total tobacco consumed in the country. we dated around 2002, 2003, we are slowly climbing up. we have other sources of
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tobacco. i know, it's something you struggle with inspect is how i talk about lung disease. you can see the vitality that come in to it. when life sustaining oxygen pours through. when you tell a smoker to stop smoking. it's been looked at many times. the reason it fails is because you reminding them how incompetent they are. reminding them why they don't value themselves. people who smoke got addicted when they were teens, general want to stop by the time they are 30. when you tell them it's bad, you remind them. fact they couldn't control their own destiny. they get anxious and smoke. it's their coping mechanism. we did a large trial on smokers. one thing they asked make sure we didn't have depressed people in the trial. we had to cancel the trial. we couldn't find a sickle smoker who wasn't depressed. the fundamental insight is what
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do you at home with the folks? you have to take a couple of didn't tacts. show them what is happening dmp is what a smoker lung looks like. you can't hide from that. look at it. you see that. the dark tar, that's pretty evident as women from the cigarettes. and when you see that, you have a central awareness in understanding why it matters to you. the second big insight you have to offer there's certain times you change people's miens. as a heart season i don't have a lot of control what they do after the surgery. i want to -- i would never operate on smokers. and i don't. and i don't say that because i dislike smokers. say it because i care about it. when i tell them, when you see me if you don't stop smoking you don't value the process. i can work with you and get you to stop. now is the moment of change. i don't remember failing in that
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endeavor. people don't recognize the success rate is 5% stopping cold turkey. if you do it with the appropriate mechanism it's closer to 45%. smokers begin to think about it differently. the key message, and i'm going to come back. there's an important theme. the reason to do this is because you need to care about yourself as much as we care about you. that changes the dynamic of the message. it's not a finger wagging issue. it's because we care about you we have to make it difficult for you to smoke. why does it matter? the true cost is the pack of cigarettes to the health budget is $35. that's what it costs. forget about what is charged and how we gain that. it's a $35 a pack. smoking increases absenteeism and decreases intelligence. people have to leave their job to smoke. they recognize and have the
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belief if they smoke it's true. you went gain weight to f -- smoke. people will get a pass on the corporate chain. it's true. people who smoke bond with smokers in the executive branch and they get accelerated. all that said and done we have to make it uncool. it's a quality drain on the work force as well. not hiring in the smokers we estimate on an average to reduce the health care budget by 15% within five years. once you have that ammo, the question becomes what are you going do? i would argue one smart thing do what hospitals have been able to do in 21 of the 50 states. force it's an uncomfortable conversation. i think it givesout clout to reduce the amount of money you spend in the health care. it will be true for the state employees as well they won't be allowed to smoke. it's too expensive to cover the costs. let me shift gears to another
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area. this unfshtdly is a major crisis for us. this is in fact what some of the classics look like. maybe they -- it's a modern version about what would have been crafted. let me start with a ranches of obesity and why i care about it. this is a major tube that forces down the spine that carries blood. those are two kidney. one is big and plump. the kidney on the left is like a raisin. the blood vessel notice the clot in there? that's a dead kidney. you continue know this -- don't know this when you get blood test. the body needs one kidney. we see as a sign of hardin of the arteries. let me bring it up in a different context. it happens in the kidneys, the male organ, which is one of the reason it came up yesterday in the conversation with the spouses. issues of intimacy.
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it's the male for the dipstick of health. it's not because you don't care other parts of the body aren't working either. it's happening in the brain. it's happening here. this is the major blood vessel in the heart. the yellow starting in 18 to 20 years of age. it goes when you are 25, 35, 45. your body has to heal that cut. it's a scab on top. and right there. boom. you just saw the leading cause of death in your state. that might be intimidating initially. the thought it could happen so quickly. the good news is the most common time for a heart attack is monday morning. the other bit of good news is that once you recognize it wasn't the plaque that kills the
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person it was the scab on top. you begin to appreciate that you can control your destiny. what you have for lunch today and who you fight with can change the odds of having a major cardiac crisis tomorrow. we did make a dent how we take care of folks. the drivers are predictable. i mentioned blood pressure earlier. blood pressure is such a major driver of aging it causes hole in the arteries we have to repair. and repair with plaster. what is the plaster? it's cholesterol. if you have high quality hdl you get thin. you make louse sei and it's cheap and it crumbles. you have to form a scab and it kills you. the ideal blood pressure and the optimal blood pressure is 115 over 75. jot it down. blood pressure most of you panic over is 140 over 90.
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the life expectancy is ten years. cigarettes come behind for the same reason. it damages the arteries. that's why this slide is so important. this is an image of our expected health care spending at the national level. the 19.6 number is what we estimated the average growth rate over the next eight to ten years. the obesity belly fat increase is 24% plus. i guarantee you, jack didn't mention it, one thing i went to business school and studied health care finance. i guarantee you there's no way our health budget will increase at the rate unless we deal with the obesity. that process of healing with cardiovascular the cancer rate and these going along with the weight drive up our health care budget and increase 5% more than you think. it's a national security issue at the certain point if you don't deal with it. what works? why can't we lose weight?
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what conventional diets depend on will power. people think they will mussel their way through it. there are a dozen redoesn't systems in the body. how many can hold your breath under water indefinitely? not one. it's impossible. it violates the basic understanding of physiology. you cannot lose weight by trying. your biology will be the will power. we don't measure the right stuff. it doesn't matter what your weight. it matters your waist. your waist is a better predictor is greater than half your height. that's a problem. complications occur. let's go to the mass. i'm 6'1" inches. it's 73 inches is divided in half is 36 inches. it any waist size is more than 36 inches ierm at risk for card
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cardiovascular disease. men never buy a new belt size. they mislead themselves thinking the 32 inch waist is carrying around at age 45. when truly it's a significantly greater. why is the waist more important? because of this. take that yellow i'll come back in a second. see the liver and the gull bladder is the green thing. your food is not moving through the stomach. it will mix with the bile which is like soap. it washes the food and breaks down the small particles to ab sort through the wall. it goes to the big thing called the vein. if they are high quality nutrients your liver loves it. if it's junk, simple carbs that turns your liver to junk.
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it gets fatty you begin to do something else and gets toxic and releasing toxic cles -- it pulls across the screen. it's not the fat beneath the skin. that's not what causes disease. what kills us the belly fat beneath the mous m. that's placed there because the ancestors needed to store fat in times of famine. stress is the number one reason that we accumulate fat there. and the reason that is true is because historically what was stress in was a fan. my. we didn't have enough food in the environment. you turn on hormone that force you to eat. and they turn on a series of hormones. how many of you smoke pot? any pot smokers? [laughter] i didn't think so. when folks smoke pot, the reason they get the munchies is because
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it turns on the same receptors in the brain. they eat things they don't like and lots of them. your constituents are doing that. they can't understand why it happens. we have designed foods specifically to tap to that. when you saw sugar. it's like cocaine for the brain. it gets the feelings you want and the taste that some people don't like. there are things that have been added. salt is probably the best example. it makes everything taste better than it is. these are properties that force us to do that. now stress is not from the outside. there are many things. foods are particular cause. most of you may not remember this, without a question your ability to lose weight is linked to having breakfast. pop tarts, you know, sugar cereal don't count. it has to be a high fiber breakfast. you have a valve in the intesten
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that sheets down the food flows through the trablght that allows you to hold on to food longer. having fiber works. it turns out that it's important. you have never heard of leep tin. the chemical your fat sends to the brain to say i'm here. i'm here. you don't have to keep eating. interest imply some foods don't turn it on. high -- it's believed when you drink a soda you will not only have the drink 160 calories but independent eat an extra 125 calories. the entire obesity epidemic about 100 calories a day. think about it it's 12 pounds in a year. multiply by two years. that's how overweight we are. these are simple insight that you remember.
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the biology of flubber is supporting the use of these simple carbs. we make this mistake all the time. yogurt, a lot of people think i'm going to be healthy i can drink nonfat milk or nonfat yogurt. big mistake. if you take the fat out of yogurt what is left? sugar. instead you want the fat in the mig. it was made that way for a reason. the milk makes you full. it calms your fat cells. they have done trial. interesting over and over again. the 2% fat or whole fat milk seems to be better off. why getting people diet soda doesn't work. every trial shows it doesn't help you lose weight. your brain said you gave me sweet but no calories. i'm looking for the good stuff. nutrients. all you're doing is reminding
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yourself to eat. the system is simple to understand. once you appreciate that. so you to change it. it's one of the best example. it's a hormone that makes the stomach growl. if you wait until you're hungry to eat, you'll probably have overt course of 30 minutes three times more than you want to eat. and it takes 30 minutes minutes for it to naturally by logically come back to normal. 30 minutes you do a lot of damage. you should never sit down when you are hungry. you should never walk around with nuts your pocket. keep them in your desk drawer. you should always have nuts. a few minutes before you go throw the nuts in the mouth. 1900 calories will cut down you won't be craving the food in front of you anymore. many of the things the food sources aren't the best for you nay. these are simple ways for us to get nudged in the right direction. and move to another category.
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the first slide when i talk about how half of the health care budget is changeable. fixable. sedentary lifestyle. if you sit for every hour you sit, i should say at the job, the mortality rate increases 11%. that's a big penalty to pay. it turns out the sedentary lifestyle is important because frailty which is the major ager. if i got rid of the cancer in america. we would on average 2.8 years longer. a little more than two years longer. why? because what kills people is not the cancer per se. it's the too frail to weather the treatment for the cancer or recover. same for heart disease. if we go around the world in places where people live a long time. what do you do? you have to build mussel mass. you have to push yourself. when you don't push yourself you
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end up with problems like osteoporosis you have medication. they don't work as well as resistance training which is what we want to be focused on. getting people to recognize this reminding them what they used to do. here is a -- [inaudible] look how powerful it is after it chases after the meal. watch what happens if you can go full speed as well. ask yourself when was the last time you went at full speed? when was the last time you gave everything you had? our bodies designed to do that. our average fitness at age 17 is the same as age 65. i'm going it say that again. we peak in the physical ability at 27. our ability to endure activities running, jogging whatever age 17
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it's the same at 65. our species hunted the prey by outendures them. we had the toobility suite after two hours the animal would fall over and faint. we had that ability but we forget that. and it is in our gene. we had to chip away at the crust that hold us wack. what have you done about this? i'm going give you thoughts that i think might be actionable that you can take home and use. texas a big texas roundup fitness festival and races. they are organized and one company or cool will fight against another and compare the ratings and all done online.
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online training opportunity are huge. when we started the show, when i do with oprah we startedded at -- and that westbound is about 100 million page views a month now. part of the reason is that i mentioned that it's a appetite for unadulterated health information. if you're not trying to hock something to somebody that's the way to do it. give them information they trust. the department of defense approached us and we are building the fitness portion of the army's website. this is what all of our veterans will be using that will allow them and their families and the employees of the military to be able to benefit from different tools. no advertising on the site. a service that these veterans will get. these are buildable endeavor. the infrastructure exists here. if you do nothing else take the real age test. it will tell you how old your body thinks you are. nobody cares about the cron cron
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logic age. it's the fizz logic age that matters. the real age test based on 30,000 article is a test that defines it. 25 million americans have taken it. every individual i think need a barometer a score card of how they're doing. these are tips. we have sophisticated social media tools. these are tools available to you. that are inexpensive. the military is building them for the soldier we can use them for the state employee to start and further on down the road. california has a let's get healthy task force designing a long-term plan. i mention them because they built their own dash board of health of indicators. i think you ought to think about this in your state. how we assess, how we gauge how healthy we are are the numbers. let figure how we grade it and
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keep score. that dash board that california crafted the model for many. other states have done it as well. i think it's a clever way being able to unified set of idea. we do the fifteen minute physicals we agree on five numbers. we do a biopsy of the community to give a report cad back. and because of those governors caring and appreciate the bigger scale of the issue they can use the ammo to push changes how affordable or successful fresh fruits and vegetables are. the smoking bans -- transfat being removed and everybody knew the riles all of the restaurants shifted over to nontransfat
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sources. we have too often socialized expenses and privatetized profit. i think it allows a more sophisticated way of dealing with the socialized cost. again, if you create rule that everything can follow they will do the right thing. i personally think each state has to find their own way of the path. i started off the presentation the way i did. i think you put it in the document. if you talk about the impact of the soda that was worth the risk political to get the conversation going. school meals and works well fansic improvement in the major urban areas like philadelphia
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iowa blue zone are fabulous. they are places in the world where we live the longest. and you go to the place and making them long time they are simple things done well. whole food. activity, the social infrastructure, michigan has a four by four tool and oregon has the best coordinated care planning in the nation. that allows us to avoid unnecessary care. one tip is the message to the consumers it ought to be about second opinion. it's not about them makes mistake. 10% of america get second opinion for medical care. over and over again we are seen that roughly a third of the time one in three times a second opinion will change your diagnoses or therapy. think about it. the difference between instance of reoperatetive back surgery in
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boston is tenfold. how can it be done ten times more often in one place than other. maybe it should be ten or one. who knows. it can't be a tenfold difference. second opinion and again why don't they get them? it's a minor procedure. why would i both ensure a minor procedure. it's somebody else. it's not minor on you. i think that's the mind set when you message it out people ought to keep in mind. one of the things they have done is adopt health corp. they are children health education foundation. it's basically the peace corp. in fact timmy has been support i have on the board of the entity and california it was a big supporter of the program. but the peace corp. was created about basic concept you take energetic college kids and give them a month or two or training and send them off. we take them and there are lots and we put them through a month
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course about how to teach and how to teach about health and put them in school systems around the country. and you know what? they teach the kids about what to eat. they share with the kids how to get better exercise. what they really do is give the kids mental resilience. that's what is health is about. you should be caring about health. if people can control what is happening in their body, they can change the world outside of their body. but if they can't take care of their own habit how can they make a difference? it resonates with them. it's cool. a kid a couple of years older than them. the big conversation happening in the hallway and change what they do in their life. we touch the lives of 40,000 kids every year. health corp. is an inexpensive program. it costs about a $1. i enjoy -- encourage you to look
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in to it. primarily privately funded. a lot of public partnership we have with major state i mentioned here. it allows us thrive and play a role. if gives you a model of young people who go home and open the fridge and say what gives? dad, you're not going to walk? simple things that allow a conversation to take place. kids become the backbone. they are the future and always have been. we take organs in the school, real ones. i don't care where it is. a gym class or regular class we work within the teachers union to get the volunteers to play a role. they live there far year and take them through a critical changing. the most valuable thing they have been given. how do i drive it home? there a couple of ways. let me leave you with a couple
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of steps. this is a playful. i'm a 30 rockefeller center. i'm across from julyy fallon. we have a lot of input on comedy. change the state song to a workout routine. start a pow potato chip swap like a gun refund. and a so i think there are many ways of messaging this but there's simple tips that i do think makes sense. one comp your colleague. in the room, brightest people who know how to change the way we deliver health in our state. we're not going win the battle for health in washington. in the kitchen, living room, and bedroom. i think you thought have the health dash board. depending on your state
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specific. business, wants to play a role. i never forget when i brought health corp. to the leadership of new york, the first question about my question about the logistic. just do. we don't know how to get the private sector involved. think about your biggest in each of your state. and one of the biggest business leader they want to help h help with the health care system. it's hard to get involved. we have been asked by governor christie to use new jersey state dmv to message oregon donation. we are create psa to get folks to realize organs can't go to heaven with you. we need them here. a simple concept. i don't want to focus on it. the thought dawned on me the
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unique ability to message to people. you control it and people open the dmv mail. you can give them tips that are valuable to them. the messages even if it's health lines might be valuable for folks. to see who walks the most in the month or the calendar emperor. simple things like that that allow teachers to have an excuse to talk to the kids about health and allowing it to happen from business to business. when the folks celebrate themselves for having walked. we keep the schools competing. a tenth grade teacher will get their kids to wear things to
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measure how much they walk. a lot don't have national hurricane insurance. give them a way crawling back out of the darkness of fear not having the health they need. they don't have the right to health. they have a right to access to chance to get the health. health corp. is out there. the first lady i just taped a show with her on thursday for let's move program. you know about them. but health corp. is a verse. it's inexpensive. you should own it. it should be your program in your state. move modify it.
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i don't think you ought to hire smokers. it's hard to do. 21 states allow private companies to have not to hire smokers. it's my perspective indefensible for 15% more money people hurt themselves. we have to be smarter. for every complex solution there's a problem there's a easy solution it's usually wrong. in this case we have a solution complex but will work. find out of ways making it the legal for employers not have to hire a smoker. if it's messaged right i care about you, i'll pay for the smoking sensation. i want to hire you but i can't. i think the message will resignation naitd. and finally keep nuts in your pockets. thank you. [applause]
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[inaudible conversations] maybe like -- [inaudible] i know we can do it for a long time. it's absolutely tremendous. one or two questions. >> i'll start calling on people. you want me to say the spouses? i bring it up. one of the women asked about the single most important thing to do for longevity. that was easy. i said without question more sexual activity. they started asked pointed question. we dell everred to the reality of 80% of the time when it'ser they asked me about the number. the average american intimate once a week. we can go for once a week to twice a week. it's achievable. we can increase the life expect
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city for three years and it will be more fun. i think that's your goal when you go home. once to twice a week. should be sustainable. jack, thank you. [applause] tonight c-span beginning the new weekly series first ladies influence and image with martha washington. the first first lady. we'll take a look at the life before she met george. being a general's wife. and the role of first lady. we'll show the places that influenced her life. you can be part of the conversation we'll take your phone call, tweet, and facebook posts. live tonight at 9:00 p.m. eastern here on c span two, c-span radio, and on the next washington journal, we focus on the pending automatic federal budget cut known as sequestration with democratic representative
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loretta sanchez of california. she's a member of the armed service and homeland security committee. and representative reid rivel a republican from wisconsin and member of the budget committee. we'll look how the sequester will effect the labor department. and john prior finance reporter he'll take a question about how the -- housing and urban development. washington journal live on c-span every day at 7:00 a.m. eastern. tomorrow the chairman of the federal reserve ben bernanke will be on capitol hill to deliver the mop tear policy report to congress. he'll appear before the senate banking committee and have live coverage beginning at 10:00 a.m. eastern. and live coverage of the chairman's testimony to the house before the financial services committee on wednesday. >> you have to understand that all the founders primary
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concern, number one, was national security. what would they say, for example, about a company such as lockheed? i'm of the opinion that based on how they acted in other instances, they would have favored a bailout of lockheed it -- with the top fighter jet and the top reconnaissance. i think you can make an argument they would have supported, for example, the bailout of chrysler baaing in the 1980s but not the bailout of chrysler today. what is the difference? chrysler back then made tanks? the m1a1 tank. they were the only tank manufacturer. ..


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